Custom Agricultural & Transportation Equipment
Skid-Type Tank Mover
Hydraulic Lifting Device on a 50 ft Custom Fitted Tridem Trailer for Transporting and Erecting Skid-mounted Incinerators up to 12 ft Diameter by 40 ft High.
Telescopic Pole Trailer
20 to 30 ft Flat Deck Trailers with Extendable Hitch Tongue and Bunks for Carrying 30 to 60 ft Light Poles.
Self-Propelled Railway Trailer
Battery Powered, Hydraulic Driven Railway Trailer with 30 ft Deck, Front Drive Bogey on Articulating Hitch Tongue and Built-in Gas Generator
Intermodel Flatrack
53ft Flatrack for Rail and/or Highway Transport of Open Cargo, with Automated Retractable Stacking Posts and End Walls. Four Empty Flatracks can be Returned Shipped in the Space of One Container
Interested in getting advice from an experienced and professional Engineering Consultant? Contact us today and see what the small city advantage can do for you.